

Historical shoe models

For measuring, please observe the following points:

1. The measuring is done standing in socks.

2. Put your foot on a sheet of paper and draw the outline of your foot by the means of a pencil, which is hold in a slight angle only (approx. 85°). See picture 1

picture 1

3. The ball size
Slightly lift the front part of your foot and position a tape measure between paper sheet and foot in the widest place of the front part of your foot (inner and outer ball). Now mark the position of the tape measure inner and outer with 2 lines on the paper sheet. See picture 2

picture 2

Now fold the ends of the tape measure across the foot and note the measured size on the paper sheet. See picture 3

picture 3

4. Proceed in the same way for measuring the back of the foot (instep). See picture 4

picture 4

The heel curve is measured over the foot bend. Please do not forget to enter the heel size in our measurement sheet. See picture 5

picture 5

6. The ankle size

The most lower leg circumference is measured closely above the inner ankle, which is the thinnest spot of the leg. Please do not forget to enter the ankle size in our measurement sheet. See picture 6

picture 6

7.. Bootee size
This size is required only if bootees approx. 15 to 20 cm high are ordered. The leg circumference is measured in the requested height of the bootee.

8. The calf size
The calf size is measured in the thickest point of the calf. Please do not forget to enter the calf height in our measurement sheet.
See picture 7

picture 7